Is There Any Refund Policy If I Am Not Satisfied?
We have 100% satisfaction guarantee policy held in place. For instances where you are not happy with shopping experience or if you did not receive your item on time we will initiate a full refund.
What Do I Do If I Need To Cancel An Shipment?
We process our shipments within 24 hours. If there’s an error please contact us immediately so we can cancel order. Once the order has been processed and shipped we will not be able to cancel it.
Can I Speak By Telephone Directly With Some Of Your Specialists?
We try our best to make sure each product is handled and shipped carefully. In cases where item reaches you damaged or open please get back to us within 24hrs and send us images of delivered items at shopaxabee@gmail.com. Our team will examine and initiate the refund in 2 to 3 business days.
What Brands Do You Carry?
We carry all to selling Asian brands our top few are listed below. Golden Pearl Cosmetics, Goree Cosmetics, Dermashine, Dermaclear, Dermacos, Parley Cosmetics, Biocos, Sajal Gold, Faiza, Sandal, Herit, Pharmahealth, GSK, Soft Touch, Golden Girl Cosmetics, Arche Pearl & Many more
Do You Ship To My Country?
We ship worldwide under normal healthy circumstances!!!
If weather related changes, emergencies, natural disasters or any other mother nature calling occurs we will post alerts immediately.
Do You Offer Bulk Or Wholesale Pricing?
Yes! Please reach us via chat, call or whatsapp. We provide great prices on wholesale and bulk purchases. Inquire now!
I Don't See A Product I Want. What Should I Do?
Our team consistently works hard to ensure we have all products. In case you do not see a product please use chat button to get live help. We will ensure to get to the right product or inform you on when it will be be available to order.
What Kind Of Payment Methods Do You Accept?
We accept all major credit debit cards, PayPal, Venmo & Zelle. Accommodations can be made for international clients as per customer request.